Payment Initiation
The initial request to Pay-Jet Cockpit will be the same regardless of the underlying 3-D Secure Protocol.
In order to start a server-to-server 3-D Secure card payment sequence please post the following key-value-pairs to direct.aspx.
Call of interface: general parameters
Notice: For credit card payments with 3-D Secure, please note the different cases as explained separately in the chapter at the start of the handbook. If the credit card is registered for Verified or SecureCode or SafeKey, the next phase is divided into two steps of authentication and payment. However it always begins in the same way via the direct.aspx interface. The first response however is the receipt of Javascript code or other parameters in order to carry out a second call up of the direct3d.aspx interface. Only after that, do you receive the listed parameter as a response.
To carry out a credit card payment via a Server-to-Server connection, call the following URL: |
Request Elements
Notice: For security reasons, Pay-Jet Cockpit rejects all payment requests with formatting errors. Therefore, please use the correct data type for each parameter.
The following table describes the encrypted payment request parameters:
Notice: In case of a merchant initiated recurring transaction the JSON objects (besides credentialOnFile and card), the URLNotify and TermURL are not mandatory parameters, because no 3-D Secure and no risk evaluation is done by the card issuing bank and the payment result is directly returned within the response.
General parameters for credit card payments via socket connection
Please note the additional parameter for a specific credit card integration in the section "Specific parameters"
Response Elements (authentication)
The following table describes the result parameters with which the Pay-Jet Cockpit responds to your system
pls. be prepared to receive additional parameters at any time and do not check the order of parameters
the key (e.g. MerchantId, RefNr) should not be checked case-sentive
object will indicate the EMV 3-D Secure protocol versions (i.e. 2.1.0 or higher) that are supported by Access Control Server of the issuer.
If the corresponding protocol version fields are NULL it means that the BIN range of card issuer is not registered for 3-D Secure 2.0 and a fallback to 3-D Secure 1.0 is required for transactions that are within the scope of PSD2 SCA.
When parsing versioningData
please also refer to the subelement errorDetails
which will specify the reason if some fields are not pupoluated (e.g. Invalid cardholder account number passed, not available card range data, failure in encoding/serialization of the 3-D Secure Method data etc).
{ "threeDSServerTransID": "14dd844c-b0fc-4dfe-8635-366fbf43468c", "acsStartProtocolVersion": "2.1.0", "acsEndProtocolVersion": "2.1.0", "dsStartProtocolVersion": "2.1.0", "dsEndProtocolVersion": "2.1.0", "threeDSMethodURL": "", "threeDSMethodDataForm": "eyJ0aHJlZURTTWV0aG9kTm90aWZpY2F0aW9uVVJMIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY29tcHV0b3AtcGF5Z2F0ZS5jb20vY2JUaHJlZURTLmFzcHg_YWN0aW9uPW10aGROdGZuIiwidGhyZWVEU1NlcnZlclRyYW5zSUQiOiIxNGRkODQ0Yy1iMGZjLTRkZmUtODYzNS0zNjZmYmY0MzQ2OGMifQ==", "threeDSMethodData": { "threeDSMethodNotificationURL": "BASEURL/cbThreeDS.aspx?action=mthdNtfn", "threeDSServerTransID": "14dd844c-b0fc-4dfe-8635-366fbf43468c" } }
3-D Secure Method
The 3-D Secure Method allows for additional browser information to be gathered by an ACS prior to receipt of the authentication request message (AReq) to help facilitate the transaction risk assessment. Support of 3-D Secure Method is optional and at the discretion of the issuer.
The versioningData
object contains a value for
. The merchant is supposed to invoke the 3-D Secure Method via a hidden HTML iframe in the cardholder browser and send a form with a field named threeDSMethodData
via HTTP POST to the ACS 3-D Secure Method URL.
3-D Secure Method: threeDSMethodURL
Please note that the threeDSMethodURL
will be populated by Pay-Jet Cockpit if the issuer does not support the 3-D Secure Method. The 3-D Secure Method Form Post as outlined below must be performed independently from whether it is supported by the issuer. This is necessary to facilitate direct communication between the browser and Pay-Jet Cockpit in case of a mandated challenge or a frictionless flow.
3-D Secure Method: No issuer threeDSMethodURL
3-D Secure Method Form Post
<form name="frm" method="POST" action="Rendering URL"> <input type="hidden" name="threeDSMethodData" value="eyJ0aHJlZURTU2VydmVyVHJhbnNJRCI6IjNhYzdjYWE3LWFhNDItMjY2My03OTFiLTJhYzA1YTU0MmM0YSIsInRocmVlRFNNZXRob2ROb3RpZmljYXRpb25VUkwiOiJ0aHJlZURTTWV0aG9kTm90aWZpY2F0aW9uVVJMIn0"> </form>
Netcetera 3DS Web SDK
You may use the operations init3DSMethod
or createIframeAndInit3DSMethod
at your discreation from the nca3DSWebSDK in order to iniatiate the 3-D Secure Method. Please refer to the Integration Manual at
Once the 3-D Secure Method is concluded the ACS will instruct the cardholder browser through the iFrame response document to submit threeDSMethodData
as a hidden form field to the 3-D Secure Method Notification URL.
ACS Response Document
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"/> <title>Identifying...</title> </head> <body> <script> var tdsMethodNotificationValue = 'eyJ0aHJlZURTU2VydmVyVHJhbnNJRCI6ImUxYzFlYmViLTc0ZTgtNDNiMi1iMzg1LTJlNjdkMWFhY2ZhMiJ9'; var form = document.createElement("form"); form.setAttribute("method", "post"); form.setAttribute("action", "notification URL"); addParameter(form, "threeDSMethodData", tdsMethodNotificationValue); document.body.appendChild(form); form.submit(); function addParameter(form, key, value) { var hiddenField = document.createElement("input"); hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); hiddenField.setAttribute("name", key); hiddenField.setAttribute("value", value); form.appendChild(hiddenField); } </script> </body> </html>
3-D Secure Method Notification Form
<form name="frm" method="POST" action="3DS Method Notification URL"> <input type="hidden" name="threeDSMethodData" value="eyJ0aHJlZURTU2VydmVyVHJhbnNJRCI6ImUxYzFlYmViLTc0ZTgtNDNiMi1iMzg1LTJlNjdkMWFhY2ZhMiJ9"> </form>
Please note that the threeDSMethodNotificationURL
as embedded in the Base64 encoded threeDSMethodData
value points to Pay-Jet Cockpit and must not be modified. The merchant notification is delivered to the URLNotify as provided in the original request or as configured for the MerchantID in Pay-Jet Cockpit .
If 3-D Secure Method is supported by the issuer ACS and was invoked by the merchant Pay-Jet Cockpit will automatically continue with the authentication request once the 3-D Secure Method has completed (i.e. 3-D Secure Method Notification).
The authentication result will be transferred via HTTP POST to the URLNotify
. It may indicate that the Cardholder has been authenticated, or that further cardholder interaction (i.e. challenge) is required to complete the authentication.
In case a cardholder challenge is deemed necessary Pay-Jet Cockpit will transfer a JSON object within the body of HTTP browser response with the elements acsChallengeMandated
, challengeRequest
, base64EncodedChallengeRequest
and acsURL
. Otherwise, in a frictionless flow, Pay-Jet Cockpit will automatically continue and respond to the cardholder browser once the authorization completed.
Cardholder Challenge: Browser Response
Browser Challenge Response
Data Elements
Schema: Browser Challenge Response
{ "$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "acsChallengeMandated": {"type": "boolean"}, "challengeRequest": {"type": "object"}, "base64EncodedChallengeRequest": {"type": "string"}, "acsURL": {"type": "string"} }, "required": ["acsChallengeMandated", "challengeRequest", "base64EncodedChallengeRequest", "acsURL"], "additionalProperties": false }
Sample: Browser Challenge Response
{ "acsChallengeMandated": false, "challengeRequest": { "threeDSServerTransID": "8a880dc0-d2d2-4067-bcb1-b08d1690b26e", "acsTransID": "d7c1ee99-9478-44a6-b1f2-391e29c6b340", "messageType": "CReq", "messageVersion": "2.1.0", "challengeWindowSize": "01", "messageExtension": [ { "name": "emvcomsgextInChallenge", "id": "tc8Qtm465Ln1FX0nZprA", "criticalityIndicator": false, "data": "messageExtensionDataInChallenge" } ] }, "base64EncodedChallengeRequest": "base64-encoded-challenge-request", "acsURL": "acsURL-to-post-challenge-request" }
Authentication Notification
The data elements of the authentication notification are listed in the table below.
Browser Challenge
If a challenge is deemed necessary (see challengeRequest) the browser challenge will occur within the cardholder browser. To create a challenge it is required to post the value base64EncodedChallengeRequest
via an HTML iframe to the ACS URL.
Challenge Request
<form name="challengeRequestForm" method="post" action="acsChallengeURL"> <input type="hidden" name="creq" value="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"> </form>
or createIFrameAndInit3DSChallengeRequest
from the nca3DSWebSDK in order submit the challenge message through the cardholder browser.Init 3-D Secure Challenge Request - Example
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <script src="nca-3ds-web-sdk.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <title>Init 3-D Secure Challenge Request - Example</title> </head> <body> <!-- This example will show how to initiate Challenge Reqeuests for different window sizes. --> <div id="frameContainer01"></div> <div id="frameContainer02"></div> <div id="frameContainer03"></div> <div id="frameContainer04"></div> <div id="frameContainer05"></div> <iframe id="iframeContainerFull" name="iframeContainerFull" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe> <script type="text/javascript"> // Load all containers iFrameContainerFull = document.getElementById('iframeContainerFull'); container01 = document.getElementById('frameContainer01'); container02 = document.getElementById('frameContainer02'); container03 = document.getElementById('frameContainer03'); container04 = document.getElementById('frameContainer04'); container05 = document.getElementById('frameContainer05'); // nca3DSWebSDK.init3DSChallengeRequest(acsUrl, creqData, container); nca3DSWebSDK.init3DSChallengeRequest('', 'base64-encoded-challenge-request', iFrameContainerFull); // nca3DSWebSDK.createIFrameAndInit3DSChallengeRequest(acsUrl, creqData, challengeWindowSize, frameName, rootContainer, callbackWhenLoaded); nca3DSWebSDK.createIFrameAndInit3DSChallengeRequest('', 'base64-encoded-challenge-request', '01', 'threeDSCReq01', container01); nca3DSWebSDK.createIFrameAndInit3DSChallengeRequest('', 'base64-encoded-challenge-request', '02', 'threeDSCReq02', container02); nca3DSWebSDK.createIFrameAndInit3DSChallengeRequest('', 'base64-encoded-challenge-request', '03', 'threeDSCReq03', container03); nca3DSWebSDK.createIFrameAndInit3DSChallengeRequest('', 'base64-encoded-challenge-request', '04', 'threeDSCReq04', container04); nca3DSWebSDK.createIFrameAndInit3DSChallengeRequest('', 'base64-encoded-challenge-request', '05', 'threeDSCReq05', container05, () => { console.log('Iframe loaded, form created and submitted'); }); </script> </body> </html>
Please note that the notification URL submited in the challenge request points to Pay-Jet Cockpit and must not be changed.
After successful cardholder authentication or proof of attempted authentication/verification is provided Pay-Jet Cockpit will automatically continue with the payment authorization.
In case the cardholder authentication was not successful or proof proof of attempted authentication/verification can not be provided Pay-Jet Cockpit will not continue with an authorization request.
In both cases Cockpit will deliver a final notification to the merchant specified
with the data elements as listed in the table below.
Payment Notification
Browser Payment Response
Additionally the JSON formatted data elements as listed below are transferred in the HTTP response body to the cardholder browser. Please note that the data elements (i.e. MID
, Len
, Data
) are base64 encoded.
Data Elements
{ "$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "MID": { "type": "string" }, "Len": { "type": "integer" }, "Data": { "type": "string" } }, "required": ["MID", "Len", "Data"], "additionalProperties": false }
Decrypted Data
Sample decrypted Data