In case the Access Control Server (ACS) of the cardholder's bank does not support any EMV 3DS protocol version (i.e. 2.0 or higher, see acsStartProtocolVersion) the threeDSMethodDataForm element of the versioningData object in the payment response will be Null.
Sequence Diagram 
3DS 1.0 AuthenticationIn order to a 3DS 1.0 authentication request through the cardholder browser it is required to construct a form with the data elements provided in threeDSLegacy and to post it to the acsURL .
The form fields that are sent to the ACS are listed in the table below: Form Element | Description | Beschreibung |
PAReq | A constructed, Base64 encoded and compressed field carrying the Payer Authentication Request Message Fields. The compression algorithm used is a combination of LZ77 and Huffman coding as specified in RFC 1951. | Ein konstruiertes, Base64-codiertes und komprimiertes Feld mit den Feldern der Payer Authentication Request Message. Der verwendete Kompressionsalgorithmus ist eine Kombination von LZ77- und Huffman-Codierung gemäß RFC 1951. | TermURL | The merchant URL the ACS will redirect the cardholder to after the authentication has concluded. Note that adds the fields PayID , TransID and MID in the query string to the base URL. Please do not alter the TermURL! | Die Händler-URL, wohin der ACS den Karteninhaber nach Abschluss der Authentisierung weiterleitet. Beachten Sie, dass das die Felder PayID , TransID und MID im Anfrage-String zur Basis-URL hinzufügt. Bitte ändern Sie die TermURL nicht! | MD | The MD (i.e. Merchant Data) field can carry whatever data the merchant needs to continue the session. Please note that this field must be present in the form even though it is not used. | Das Feld MD (d.h. Händlerdaten) kann beliebige Daten transportieren, die der Händler fpr die Fortsetzung der Sitzung benötigt. Beachten Sie bitte, dass dieses Feld im Formular vorhanden sein muss, auch wenn es nicht verwendet wird. |
Sample: PAReq form passed through the Cardholder to the ACS URL <html>
<script language=\"javascript\">
function sendpareq()
// -->
<body onload="javascript:sendpareq();">
<form action="" method="POST" name="pareq_form">
<input type="hidden" name="PaReq" value="eJxVUst22jAQ/RUfL7rpMZKFiQ0dK4dXgAVOTmuSpjvVGsApfkSWA+TrK/Fo0t29M6M7M3cEt4di57yhavKqjF2/Q10Hy6ySebmJ3VV650Wu02hRSrGrSozdIzbuLYd0qxAnPzBrFXJYYtOIDTq5jN1aCIEioyzywkhILwh7gddnFD1JMVyv15HfYz2Xw8PwO75yuPTmpnWHAblSo6myrSg1B5G9jhYJD266jHWBXCgUqBYTPk4fR4+M+jdAzgEoRYG8zrXGRn+dFb/nzhdR1N+ccQXklIOsakutjpyF5tWVQKt2fKt1PSBkv993sqqoW13VHYlAbA7Ix0gPrUWN0Trkkv+aLVnyvjkuZ6tD8vS8Tya7l/unBXt+n8ZAbAVIoZGbMSPaY4HjB4MuHQR9IKc4iMIOwX1KzXpnDLVtMfyU+BwA47sydzryfhiZHa4M8FCbM5kKY+U/DBKbjKfGD9PQQiAfC4zn1uFMG+vm+V06bad/Zi+rn6rrJ20xWt4P49h6fiqw8rnxyo/8s74lQKwEuZyTXP6CQf/9kb8b1MvQ">
<input type="hidden" name="TermUrl" value="http://localhost:40405/test/3DTermURL.aspx?PayID=dc67820e15f049c9b6c1f0420729da8a&TransID=20180524-162741-084&MID=gustav">
<input type="hidden" name="MD" value="Optional merchant session data">
</html> |
Once the authentication has been completed or the cancelled by the cardholder the ACS will redirect the cardholder through the cardholder's browser to the TermURL as specified in the initail payment request.
The Payer Authentication Response (PaRes ) will be transferred via HTTP POST method while MID , PayID and TransID are sent in the HTTP query string (i.e. HTTP GET). |
Data Elements transferred to the TermURL 

Key | Format | CND | Description | Beschreibung |
PARes | -- | M | The PARes (Payer Authentication Response) message sent by the ACS in response to the PAReq regardless of whether authentication is successful | Die vom ACS gesendete PARes-Nachricht (Payer Authentication Response) in Reaktion auf die PAReq ungeachtet dessen, ob dit Authentisierung erfolgreich ist |
AuthorizationIn order to authorize an 3DS 1.0 authenticated payment you must POST the parameter as listed in the table below unencrypted to direct3d.aspx. The response always is encrypted (Len + Data). Request Elements

Key | Format | CND | Description | Beschreibung |
PAResponse | -- | M | The PARes (Payer Authentication Response) message sent by the ACS | Die vom ACS gesendete PARes-Nachricht (Payer Authentication Response) |
Response Elements

Key | Format | CND | Description | Beschreibung |
Status | a..20 | M | Status of the transaction. Values accepted: Authorized
OK (Sale)
| Status der Transaktion. Zulässige Werte: Authorized
OK (Sale)
| Description | ans..1024 | M | Textual description of the code | Textliche Beschreibung des Codes |

Key | Format | CND | Description | Beschreibung |
card | JSON | C | Card data | Kartendaten | ipInfo | JSON | O | Object containing IP information | Objekt mit IP-Informationen | threeDSData | JSON | M | Authentication data | Authentisierungsdaten |